The Author Journey -
the story behind the books
Services and history
It is often said that everyone has a book in them. That may be true. But where does a book come from? Our heart? Our head? Our hands? Or our experiences, our influences?
I am a great believer that it is our our life experiences that determine the course that our stories - should we ever get round to writing them - will take. And those experiencs can often, unbeknown to us at the time, provide the source for those stories, perhaps much later in life.
For me, my traiing ground in writing was as an unlikely but welcome tour around the press rooms of the world. Untrained as I was, I became a journalist - a tennis journalist, thrust into the five star world of events, players, Wimbledon. That was back in the 1990s. Then, after more than a decade floating round the Tour, I shifted gear into mission. Overseas mission. Christian mission. It wasn't expected. And it wasn't a natural career next step. It wasn't even a left turn. It was a U turn. But God works like that. Mission had always been on my heart. And the door had always been ajar. I had eyed it on occasion, but then suddenly, overnight, it swung open to reveal a world that a small town Hertfordshire boy was not expecting to see. Slum communities, homeless hostels, survivors of domestic violence, the reality of a world apart became real to me. South and central Asia is no different to anywhere else in the world when it comes to child poverty and violence against women. Indeed, it is probably worse, on a par with that in many African nations. And Asia doesn't hide its hunger. Its cultural abuses. Its governmental corruptions. I saw it, first hand. What a privilege. What an honour. What a horror. And so it came to pass. The book, The Daily Post, the foundations for which were birthed in these unexpected, unscripted educational visits. What I witnessed, saw, heard and smelt was the foundation for much of what is written about in 'The Daily News'. Investigative journalism has always interested me. And now I have wirtten about it.
There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
People and culture
Our people are what make us unique. Rather than outsourcing our construction engineers from questionable outsourcing establishments, we provide them with an environment that supports professional growth.
We are strong believers in giving our employees a voice. Our teams are put together with the help of our resident psychologist to ensure maximum productivity and engagement.
Esther Bryce
Founder / Interior designer
Lianne Wilson
Jaden Smith
Jessica Kim