Kyrgyzstan is a central Asian republic landlocked by Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, China and Uzbekistan
The Republic of Kyrgyzstan declared its independence from the Soviet Union on August 31st, 1991
The capital, Bishkek, is located in the north of the Republic. It was formerly known as Pishkek from 1862 to 1926 and Frunze, between 1926 and 1991
The population of Kyrgyzstan is 7 million
Kyrgyzstan is 85% mountainous
The currency of Kyrgyzstan is Kyrgyzs Som (KGS)
The official languages of Kyrgyzstan are Kyrgyzs and Russian
The traditional headwear for many men in Kyrgyzstan is a pointed, felt hat called a Kalpak.
For Kyrgyzs women, the Elechek, a traditional headcloth, is traditionally worn to demonstrate marital status
Over half the population of Kyrgyzstan is under the age of 30, while nearly one third is under the age of 15
10 facts you may not know about Kyrgystan